Compliments of Firestik® Antenna Company Technical Support Team

Copyright © 1996 Firestik® Antenna Company

If Shakespeare had been contemplating the installation of a CB antenna on his carriage, he might have said, "To drill or not to drill, that is the question!" But, you don't have to be poetic to face the same question. Having laid out a huge chunk of change for one of today's motorized carriages, it can give you goose bumps to think about boring holes through it. Perhaps this will help with your decision.

We understand the reluctance of most people to drill holes in their vehicle. The industry is always coming up with mounts that eliminate the need to drill holes in the vehicle's exterior. Aside from magnetic mounts, there are many varieties of clamp-on mirror mounts, trunk lip mounts, rain gutter mounts, and bumper mounts. There are also many types of mounts that require holes for mounting but they are placed in areas that are not exposed; such as the trunk or hood channel. Nonetheless, the auto industry continues to make changes and introduce new models in a seemingly anti-mount program. We will always be behind.

Generally speaking, permanently mounted antennas allow you to take advantage of the most efficient location on any particular vehicle. On metal base vehicles with a single antenna, the closer the antenna is mounted to the center of mass, the better. And, permanent mounts, unlike magnetic mounts, offer a solid chassis ground. Position and good grounding can make a huge difference in how your system performs. Of course, this is an idealistic viewpoint. Perfect positioning is the exception … not the rule.

The biggest problem that is encountered with the "no-holes" installer involves the coax cable. If they won't drill a hole for the mount, they certainly won't want to drill a hole for the coax cable. It is amazing how much abuse the coax gets. People bend it, stretch it, kink it, cut it, splice it, pinch it, slam it, knot it, and neglect it in unimaginable ways. Ahhhh! The coax is the main artery to your antenna. You cannot abuse it and expect your system to work efficiently. That skinny piece of cable carries the lifeblood of your communications to and from your antenna. No matter how good your antenna is, abused coax will nullify its value. If we could only convince you to drill one hole, it would be for the routing of the coax.

Before you decide not to drill, think why! If you plan to keep your vehicle for many years and plan to keep a CB in it, I would say get out the drill and do a professional install that will last. If you don't, you will probably end up replacing your coax several times or find that the damage to the coax caused damage to the radio. Worst case, drill holes for the coax. A professionally mounted antenna and cable will add value to the vehicle, especially if it is a pick-up, motorhome, or van (mini or full size). We have bought and sold many vehicles and have never heard one person say, " Gee! I'd buy it if it wasn't for the nicely installed CB system." On the contrary, buyers look at it as an added feature.

So, if you hear, or are thinking, "Holeo! Holeo! Where for art thou holeo?" Go get your drill. Your fears are "Much ado about nothing."

Go here to read about and see a vehicle that was drilled to mount a Firestik. Crazy!

Firestik Antenna Company -(Tel) 602-273-7151 - www.firestik.com

Updated: 2023.12.05

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